September 17, 2024

Physical Fitness: A Key to a Healthier and Happier Life

Most of the time we consider physical fitness as exercising. However, it is not just about exercising. It encompasses a broader set of activities for mental and physical well-being. It is about adopting a balanced lifestyle. It requires aerobic endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, and good body composition. In today’s fast-paced world, incorporating fitness into your

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Drug Intake in Pakistan: Challenges and Control Measures

Drug addiction is one of the major issues in Pakistan that needs true consideration. Due to its proximity to some of the world’s major opium-producing regions, Pakistan has long struggled with drug abuse. Socioeconomic factors, the spread of synthetic drugs, and inadequate addiction treatment programs have worsened the situation. Several government and non-governmental organizations have attempted to address the problem, but its complexity makes it a difficult challenge to manage. Historical Context Pakistan’s drug problem worsened during the Soviet invasion of

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